Posts Tagged ‘Sunrise breakfast show’
Tandem flying at Panorama Resort is in full swing and the conditons for flying and skiing are superb!
Sometimes we do have some very interesting flights, one of them, was last week with Sam MacMillan.
Sam is working for “Sunrise” channel 7 in Australia (which has about 8 million live viewers) and they did a episode here at Panorama.
I did meet with the film crew the night before to discuss details and if I would be able to mount some cameras on the tandem wing.
First, I stated that the weather might be kind of challenging due the high winds and if the conditions are good, I would be able to get at least a camera mounted into my wing for filming from the top down. Then they saw the footage of my “Santa” flight with a trailing camera and asked if I would be able to add this. Again, my answer was if the conditions would be good I should be able to do it, although, the trailing camera can be very challenging. Later this evening they saw a video me flying with the Canadian flag and they asked if I could do that tomorrow as well. Again, my answer was, if the conditions are good, we might be able to pull that off. I knew that this would be my most challenging take off, as I have never had a trailing camera, wing mounted camera, selfie stick and Canadian flag at the same time.
The next day, we got up by snowmobile to get set up early as they needed the material for the live show. The conditions at the takeoff where okay, meaning we had no wind and light wind from behind (which is not the best). I decided to set up all the cameras and the Canadian flag as this seams to be a cool project and all would be worth the effort.
The only part I did forget to check more carefully was if my passenger could ski!
Once Sam was on the mountain and I found out that Sam can not ski at all, I knew I was up for a challenge. Actually it was quite entertaining to get him onto the skies and trying to get him to ski 5 feet. But being ready for takeoff in challenging conditions with all the extra cameras and gear and a passenger who does not know how to ski added a “little” spice to the project.
Everything went well and you can see the archived video of the flight and the vow to Shania Twain what was at the live breakfast show at…/38638…/sam-mac-goes-paragliding/
And here is my video of the takeoff and flight with the takeoff part Sam was talking about at the show.