Archive for June, 2015

Back flying the Babin Air Cessna again.
Had an amazing flight with Tony and Pat in the early morning around Mt. Farnham and checking out some bad ass climbing routes.
Than it turned out that we needed to pick up a new van for Columbia River Kayak & Canoe in Edmonton. Dave flew up with me from Invermere to Edmonton via Banff and Minnewanka Lake and on my flight back I flew from Edmonton to Rocky Mt. House along the Saskatchewan River to Golden and home.
Life is awesome.






Thermal & Cross Country Clinic
June 26-28
Thermal & Cross Country Clinic with Max Fanderl

Max flying over Chisel Peak

This Thermal XC Clinic will help pilots who have never flown in thermals, and those who want to perfect their technique. Pilots gain a huge amount of insight and knowledge by the end of the clinic allowing them to take their flying to the next level, and start working towards Cross Country flying. Here is a list of some of the topics we cover in our thermal clinic.

Will offer Google Earth presentations, including track logs and XC maps, on the most popular XC routes in the Columbia Valley, BC.
There are so many topics to cover over a weekend clinic you will find it to be a very rewarding experience regardless of the weather. You can bet when a good flying day presents itself we’ll head up the hill and plan an XC route for the day.

Happy landings