Getting a better view after the rain washed out the smoke of the wildfires.

Getting a better view of your surroundings will give better options in where to fly.

Thanks to W. Brett Wilson and Brett Kissel for hosting an amazing and memorable evening for the benefit of the community.

Donate at:


flown by “The Flying Realtor in the Columbia Valley”

We had a busy year so far and had already a couple courses in February until April at Panorama Mountain Resort and already started our spring and summer lessons.

Interested to learn paragliding?
Here is our calendar to show you the next upcoming lessons at

Here are some pictures from the last spring course.
*Credit to htttps:// to most pictures

We planned to do the P2 supervised flights up at Panorama that day but the upper winds from the west picked up and we decided to some towing this day. Kris was running a towing workshop at noon at Kinsmen beach and after that we got a total of 12 flights with 3 students.

*Photo credit to most picture to James Jackson

Here is a video of the first payout winch tow on Lake Windermere. We will be using the winch for future training after students graduated from out practice hill and before flying off Mt. Swansea.