We have been asked several times to talk and do a presentation about our experiences during the 2009 xAlps and how we are preparing for the 2011 xAlps. A week ago we did 2 “motivational” presentations for the Windermere Valley school and are most likely going to do the same for the other schools in the valley. We were also asked to do a presentation for the “Wild Voices” which is part of “Friends of Kootenay National Park” and “Parks Canada”. We love to support this

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project, and this also gives us a great opportunity to, once again, thank all the local businesses who donated services and products for our 2009 fundraiser and all the other companies who supported us with gear and equipment we used in 2009. The Presentation is Tuesday Feb 22nd, 7:30 pm at the David Thompson Secondary School in the theater. See you there, Max & Penny