Penny Powers at the worlds masters Last week we headed to Silverstar with the whole family. Unreal how much snow these guys have and how much still was coming down in the week we stayed there. Penny participated in 3 races and had the following results 15 km classic ski, 6th overall and fastest Canadian 1o km classic ski, 8th overall and fastest Canadian 30 km classic ski, 6th overall and fastest

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Canadian Way to go Penny we are all so proud of you. Considering Penny raced only a 15 km and a 30 km in cross country ever before. Some of the worlds best coaches say “if she would now learn how to ski, she will be for sure one of the best skiers in Canada. We had an excellent time there, we shared a suite with the Tamelin’s (3 kids from 6 to 12) and the kids never had a dull moment. We spend time cross country skiing, down hill skiing, skating,

toboggan, hot tubbing with rolling in the snow and tubbing. The kids loved tubbing the best. I had enough time to get work done as we had very good internet connection and i got about 10 hours of cross country skiing in. Most of my skiing was at night and sometimes challenging due the poor visibility with all that snow. Skiing at night for up to 2 hours with poor visibility defiantly hones your orientations skills.